What is CBDA? It is short for Cannabidiol, which is also known as CBD. Cannabidiol, a plant compound found in Michigan, is one of the many varieties of plant cannabidiols. It is one of the 110 identified active Cannabinoids in cannabis plants and constitutes up to 40 percent of the plant’s whole extract. In fact, when cannabidiol was first tested in clinical trials, it was used to treat chemotherapy patients with muscle spasticity and nausea who also experienced relief from nausea and appetite.
What is CBDA?
The primary way CBD is used is in a topical medication called Ephedra-L. This synthetic drug contains only trace amounts of CBD and acts almost like an appetite suppressant or mood elevator. When combined with meals, Ephedra-L also helps increase the body’s metabolism and boost energy. The FDA banned the commercial use of CBD under the Controlled Substances Act; however, some companies continue to produce herbal remedies using CBD. In addition to Ephedra-L and other herbal remedies, other products containing CBD include hempseed and grapefruit seed extract.
Besides Ephedra, other pharmaceuticals have been linked to seizures and other serious side effects. The medical community has long debated whether or not CBD is truly medicine, and whether or not it should be classified as a drug at all. Some doctors argue that CBD is effective in relieving nausea and other side effects, but has no effect on reducing levels of THC, the primary psychoactive substance found in marijuana.
Others, however, acknowledge that CBD has remarkable potential in helping people recover from debilitating diseases, including Alzheimer’s, and other diseases. Since CBD cannot be absorbed by the brain, it cannot be abused and is considered to be a viable alternative to marijuana, which remains the most widely used recreational drug in the country.
Unlike THC, CBD is inactive in the body, so it has no appetite suppressants, no physically addictive qualities, and no mood-altering properties. In addition to helping people with chronic diseases, CBD may be useful in combating anxiety, depression, irritability, and other common conditions that manifest through the nervous system.
If you or someone you know suffers from one or more of these symptoms, it may be time to learn more about what is CBD? While this substance has not yet been approved for use by the FDA, there are many studies currently underway that may change that quickly.